
Phase 2 Update

21 April 2022

On April 11, staff presented a summary of engagement from Phase 1-2, along with a vision and objectives for land use, housing, transportation links, parks and public spaces, recreational and cultural facilities, heritage conservation and urban design.

The North End Plan vision and objectives - which were shaped by public input and a background study that was presented in November 2021 - were endorsed by Council.

North End Plan Vision

Set at the intersection of mountain, lake and city, the North End is an inclusive urban neighbourhood with an eclectic mix of uses and a distinct sense of identity. Residents of all life stages and incomes choose from a variety of housing options that have expanded and diversified over time. Daily needs are met with a quick walk or roll to a wide range of local shops, restaurants, and community services, while destinations outside the North End are easily accessible by transit. Industrial businesses have continued to adapt to the neighbourhood’s changing dynamics and support growing employment and services, while craft industries continue to thrive. A comprehensive parks and public space network—anchored by a continuous waterfront pathway—gives people an opportunity to connect with one another and with nature. Expanding the green space and restoring natural habitat has not only added to the enjoyment of the neighbourhood but has also made it more resilient to climate change. Arts and culture thrive— inspired by rich layers of local history—strengthening the neighbourhood’s unique sense of place and identity.

Next steps

Later this year, the vision and objectives will be used to develop a set of neighbourhood concepts which the public will have a chance to weigh in on. Stay tuned for upcoming engagement opportunities!