
Phase 1 Update

15 December 2021

In November, staff presented the North End Plan background study which will help inform the planning process moving forward. The study included an in-depth investigation of the neighbourhood and explored:

  • The history of the area and how it has come to take the form it has today Read the North End Plan Background Study.
  • The demographics of the neighbourhood
  • Existing land use
  • Transportation infrastructure and preliminary traffic study
  • Utilities infrastructure
  • Review of existing City plans and policies related to the North End
  • Case studies and best practices review
  • Preliminary considerations in establishing community amenities

From October-November, North End area residents and businesses - as well as members of the broader community - were invited to submit an expression of interest for the Community Liaison Committee (CLC). Members of the CLC will attend meetings, offer input, and help facilitate dialogue and information-sharing between the City project team and various groups within the community as the process unfolds. Dozens of citizens applied and final selection was based on a variety of demographic considerations, as well as applicants’ history of community-building through volunteerism and similar activities.

Next steps for the North End Neigbourhood Plan include establishing the vision and objectives for land use, housing, transportation links, parks and public spaces, recreational and cultural facilities, heritage conservation and urban design. The vision and objectives for the plan area will be informed by the Background Study and input from residents and stakeholders.

Stay tuned for more engagement opportunities in the New Year! In the meantime, you can provide input on the North End Neighbourhood Plan - and see what others are saying - using the map tool.