The Indoor Recreation Facilities Strategy guides prioritization of the City’s facility investment and development to serve the sports and recreation needs of residents and visitors over the next 10-20 years. Resident feedback, along with feedback from community partners in sport and recreation, helped to provide important information to understand the diverse perspectives of those using and benefitting from indoor recreation facilities.

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Discover What we Heard through engaging with Kelowna residents on this topic.

Learn more via the State of Indoor Facilities Assessment Report.

These two reports highlight the current market context applied to the existing inventory of facilities and help to set the stage for strategic thinking when it comes to planning for and maintaining our indoor recreation facilities.


The City of Kelowna invests in a variety of indoor recreation facilities for the use of residents, groups, and visitors. This investment is intended to give people a chance to be active, creative and connected to their community. The Indoor Recreation Facilities Strategy will support greater understanding and insight into:

How the public and community organization use
recreation facilities and amenities

Changes in amenity demands and needs

What barriers and challenges exist for participation

Values related to service provision

Completing perspectives and demands for use and perceptions of inequities

Needs and expectation from the community

Opportunities to further the City's efforts regarding access and inclusivity

The Indoor Recreation Facilities Strategy is part of a series of strategic facility plans and frameworks helping the City to make informed decisions regarding new or renovated facilities. Kelowna’s Recreation Facilities are in different stages and ages of life, and by understanding the needs in the community paired with existing facility data of our recreation facilities – it helps to better prioritize and plan for the future.