Thank you to everyone who participated in the second round of engagement! The What We Heard Report is available here and outlines the challenges and opportunities presented by YOU.

About this project

The City of Kelowna is reviewing opportunities to implement traffic calming measures in the Hollydell neighbourhood. Through a neighbourhood traffic calming study, the Project Team will make recommendations so people who drive, walk, bike, and roll are safer and more comfortable in the neighbourhood.

In October 2023, we received valuable input from Hollydell residents on existing traffic concerns in the neighbourhood. Feedback has been reviewed and existing traffic issues have been assessed and as a result, we have drafted potential traffic calming options aimed at enhancing safety for all road users – whether you walk, bike or roll. Your feedback will help inform a final traffic calming plan for the neighbourhood.

What is traffic calming?

Traffic calming refers to various physical measures that reduce the negative impacts of vehicles on neighbourhood streets. Discouraging speeding and other related issues create safer and more comfortable environments for all neighbourhood residents and user groups.

How To Get Involved

Decision Outcome Process

To ensure the decisions regarding the traffic calming plan are reflective of the community's preferences, we have established a survey process with the following key points:

  • Providing Level of Support: Properties directly impacted by the traffic calming measures are invited to express their support level (in favor or opposed). A minimum of 70% support is required for the project to proceed on each individual street.
  • Survey Participation: Each property/address within the consultation area has one (1) opportunity to provide their level of support. Non-response will be assumed as support for the project.
  • Decision Outcome: If the street receives 70% or more support, it will proceed to the construction phase. Otherwise, the measures for that specific street are temporarily halted for a minimum of five years.

What does it mean to have a property directly impacted by traffic calming measures?

Having a property directly impacted means that your property is located on the street where the traffic calming measures are proposed and there are no alternative routing options available. This typically means that you will need to traverse the said measures along the street on which you reside. For example, only folks who live on Graham Rd, Moraine Ct, and Ruston Rd will be able to provide their level of support for traffic calming measures on Graham Rd.

Hollydell Neighbourhood Final Traffic Calming Plan

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Alex Wood-Seems

Traffic Technician

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Project Overview

The City has engaged ISL Engineering and Land Services to review the road network and surrounding area of the Hollydell Neighbourhood. The Hollydell Neighbourhood is outlined as the area between Highway 33, Gerstmar Rd, Springifield Rd, and Hollywood Rd S.

This study aims to improve road safety through traffic calming measures for all community members who use these neighbourhood streets.

  • Reduce vehicle speeds and volumes on Hollydell neighbourhood streets where there are issues.
  • Discourage shortcutting on Hollydell neighbourhood streets (for example, drivers avoiding main roads).
  • Make Hollydell neighbourhood streets safer and more comfortable for walking, cycling, and rolling, especially for school children and people with mobility concerns.
  • Maintain vehicle access for emergency vehicles and transit operations.
  • Ensure the selection and implementation measures are informed by community feedback.

We will develop key recommendations and a traffic calming plan based on resident and user group feedback (e.g., people who drive, walk, roll, and bike in the neighbourhood), technical analysis (including traffic engineering best practices and financial considerations), City policies and plans (e.g., City’s Neighbourhood Traffic Management Plan, Official Community Plan, and Transportation Master Plan). Afterwards, the Project Team will present a traffic calming plan for approval by residents of the neighbourhood.

The City implements traffic calming measures in residential neighbourhoods because they help our communities in the following ways:

  • Enhanced safety: Traffic calming measures such as speed bumps, traffic circles, and curb extensions help reduce vehicle speeds. These measures lower the risk and severity of accidents, making roadways safer for all users, including pedestrians and cyclists.

  • Reduction in cut-through traffic: Measures like road closures, one-way streets, or other strategic implementations of traffic calming measures can discourage drivers from using residential streets as shortcuts, reducing congestion and making neighborhoods safer.

  • Enhanced livability: Calmer streets with reduced traffic speeds create more pleasant and livable neighborhoods. People are more likely to spend time outdoors, interact with neighbors, and enjoy public spaces when traffic is less intimidating.

  • Noise reduction: Slower-moving vehicles generate less noise than those traveling at higher speeds. Implementing traffic calming measures can help mitigate noise pollution in residential areas, improving the quality of life for residents.

  • Environmental benefits: Reduced speeds and smoother traffic flow can lead to decreased fuel consumption and emissions, reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, which aligns with the City’s climate action goals.
  • Increased property values: Well-designed traffic calming measures can enhance the attractiveness of an area. These measures can increase property values, benefiting homeowners and local economies.

Map - Round 1

Survey - Round 1