Engagement is now closed. Thank you to those who provided their input to help determine a new routing option that will enhance safety and connectivity for those cycling in both the Glenmore Neighbourhood and the greater Kelowna area.
You can review the Engagement Summary here, or under Documents on the right side of this page.
The City is exploring three routing options:
1. Uni-directional protected bike lane
- Both sides of Glenmore Dr from High Rd to the Rail Trail at Spall Rd.
- Uni-directional lanes are physically separated cycling lanes which have one-way bike traffic in the direction of motor vehicle traffic.
2. Bi-directional protected bike lane
- East side of Glenmore Dr from High Rd to the Rail Trail at Spall Rd.
- Bi-Directional lanes are physically separated cycling facilities which provide cycling movements in both directions on the same side of the road.
3. Neighbourhood bikeway facility
- A marked route through the Old Glenmore neighbourhood from the Glenmore Rd and High Rd intersection to the Rail Trail
- Neighbourhood bikeways allow for cyclists and motor vehicles to share the road. They are located on streets with low vehicular speeds and traffic volumes. In some cases, traffic calming measures such as speed cushions or traffic circles are implemented to slow vehicular speeds and increase cyclist safety and visibility.
The Glenmore Active Transportation Corridor (ATC) project aims to establish a direct connection between Glenmore residents and the Okanagan Rail Trail through the implementation of an all-ages and abilities cycling facility. This connection will create a safe and comfortable cycling condition from the Glenmore area to downtown, the Landmark area, and other key destinations within the city. The cycling facility aligns with Kelowna’s policies and plans to increase the number of trips made by bicycle and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
As Kelowna continues to grow and evolve, so too does our need for diverse and sustainable transportation options. With the goal of creating a more vibrant, connected, and healthy community, we are striving to elevate the quality of our cycling infrastructure to be on par with the best cycling cities in the world.
The introduction of enhanced cycling corridors is more than just a mobility project. It's about building a city where active transportation is a viable choice for everyone, regardless of age, ability, or background. This project seeks to:
- Improve Travel Time: By creating efficient cycling corridors, we aim to make active transportation a competitive alternative to motorized travel.
- Enhance Connectivity: This initiative will establish more direct connections to key destinations within the city and the greater Active Transportation (AT) network.
- Increase Safety: By investing in the separation of cyclists from vehicle traffic, we can significantly reduce collisions and make cycling a safer option.
- Promote Health and Sustainability: Encouraging cycling helps to decrease noise and air pollution, promote physical activity, and reduce our community's carbon footprint.
Route 1 represents a direct and efficient link between the Rail Trail, the Valley Road Multi-Use Path (MUP), and the Glenmeadows Road MUP at the north end. This option is focused on overcoming challenges associated with the high volume and speed of vehicle traffic on Glenmore Drive by creating an accessible and secure cycling route that improves on the existing painted bike lanes that are there today.
Today this facility is designed to accommodate advanced riders, though further modifications of the space between the cyclists and the vehicle lanes by use of concrete barriers, they would be made to accommodate less experienced cyclists or families with children.
Detailed Considerations
1. Main Intersection Integration: Efficient and safe integration with intersections at Spall Road/Clement Road, Bernard Avenue/Glenmore Drive, and High Road/Glenmore Drive is a key consideration in this route's option and could have potential modifications to channelized right-turn islands.
2. Separated Cycling Space: By introducing uni-directional bike lanes with concrete barriers, will create a more defined and visible separation between bike and vehicle lanes. This physical barrier helps to eliminate the risk of vehicles straying into the bike lane, which can be a major concern in areas with high-speed or high-volume traffic.
3. Safety Measures: Additional safety measures are being considered to manage risks at unsignalized intersections, driveways, and alleyway accesses along Glenmore Road. These measures could include, bike-friendly crosswalks, high visibility markings and signage at intersections and improved sight lines at intersections.
Pros of Route 1:
- Fast and Direct: This route is one of the most direct to Landmark and east on Rail Trail.
- Uni-Directional: This layout is generally favoured by current bike lane users, offering straightforward navigation.
- Minimal Impacts: The route has minimal property, utility, and environmental impacts.
- Increased Safety: The use of concrete barriers for bike lanes adds to the safety of the route, making it more appealing for families and less experienced cyclists.
Cons of Route 1:
- Cost: This route involves the highest capital cost and maintenance expenses.
- Crossings: The route crosses several busy roads, posing potential safety concerns.
- Vehicular Delay: Implementation of this route would lead to increased vehicular delays.
- Truck Traffic and Pollution: Glenmore Drive is a busy truck route, which leads to higher noise levels and vehicle pollution.
- Lack of Greenery: The urban nature of this route means less greenery, which some cyclists may miss for a more pleasant cycling experience.
The following evaluation scores provide an overview of how Route 1 performs across various categories:
Route 2 is a proposed bi-directional bike lane on the east side of Glenmore Drive, providing a direct connection between the Rail Trail, and the Summit Road Multi-Use Path (MUP). It's intended as a fast, direct route to Landmark and east on Rail Trail. The bi-directional nature of this route facilitates side-by-side riding, making cycling a more social experience.
This route option would accommodate a wide range of cyclists in mind. It combines safety measures, such as separated bike lanes with concrete barriers, and has a minimal impact on existing traffic operations due to being aligned on the east side of Glenmore.
Detailed Considerations
1. Intersection Integration: Similar to Route 1, intersections at Spall Road/Clement Road, Bernard Avenue/Glenmore Drive, and High Road/Glenmore Drive will be integrated into the design to facilitate safe and efficient navigation. High visibility markings, signage at intersections, and potential modifications to channelized right-turn islands will be incorporated.
2. Reduced Cyclist-Vehicle Interaction: The bi-directional bike lanes with concrete barriers will enhance cyclist safety. Being located on the east side of Glenmore Road, this route encounters fewer driveways and alleyway accesses, significantly reducing potential conflict points and increasing safety.
3. Traffic Operations: Route 2 has a minimal impact on existing traffic operations on Glenmore Drive. While it involves multiple street crossings for southbound cyclists, the layout has been carefully considered to ensure smooth traffic flow and would have less impact on vehicle traffic in the southbound direction.
Pros of Route 2:
- Fast and Direct: This route is a quick, direct connection to Landmark and east on Rail Trail.
- Bi-Directional: The layout allows for side-by-side riding, making the cycling experience more social and engaging.
- Minimal Traffic Impact: This route option has minimal impact on existing traffic operations, preserving the efficiency of the road network for all users.
- Lower Costs: Compared to Route 1, this option has a lower capital cost and maintenance expense.
Cons of Route 2:
- Extended Downtown Journey: While it provides a direct connection to Landmark and the Rail Trail, it's a longer route to downtown.
- Street Crossings: For cyclists traveling southbound, multiple street crossings are involved, which may pose potential safety concerns.
- Truck Traffic and Pollution: Similar to Route 1, Route 2 also faces the challenge of being a busy truck route, leading to noise and vehicle pollution.
- Lack of Greenery: The urban nature of this route means less greenery, which some cyclists may miss for a more pleasant cycling experience.
The following evaluation scores provide an overview of how Route 2 performs across various categories:
Route 3 proposes a neighbourhood bikeway that directly connects to a school, offers the fastest route to downtown, and navigates through a pleasant residential setting with street trees and parks. This route option would be quiet and relaxed, featuring low vehicle volumes and speeds. Traffic calming measures could be incorporated along this route to ensure lower motor vehicle speeds and volumes. It allows for side-by-side cycling, facilitating a more social experience for cyclists of all ages and skill levels.
This neighbourhood bikeway is intended to provide a family-friendly cycling experience while considering potential impacts on street lighting, on-street parking, and vehicular travel times.
Detailed Considerations
- Local Road Network Improvements: Route 3 integrates with the local road network, utilizing traffic calming measures such as mini-roundabouts, raised crossings, curb extensions, and speed humps. These improvements aim to enhance the safety and comfort of all road users.
- Wayfinding: Effective wayfinding measures would be implemented to guide cyclists and improve the overall user experience. This includes clear signage and markings indicating the route direction, and key destinations. Utilizing recognizable symbols and consistent design across the network would further help cyclists navigate the neighbourhood bikeway easily and efficiently.
- Key Connections: Route 3 provides vital links to other parts of the community, ensuring cyclists can reach key destinations easily:
- Northern Connection - High Road, the proposed northern connection, links Kennedy Street and Glenmore Road. Here, proposed enhancements include the addition of Multi-use Pathway (MUP) on the north side of High Road to connect to the intersection of High Road and Glenmore Drive. The potential impacts of parking loss are also considered, along with the implementation of enhanced signals for bike crossing.
- Southeastern Connection - The Neighbourhood Bikeway connects to the intersection of Dillworth Crescent / Bernard Avenue. This connection comes with a proposed enhancement of a dedicated bike crossing to ensure cyclists can navigate safely along a Multi-use Path south, towards the intersection of Clement and Spall to connect to the rail trail.
- Southwestern Connection - Willow Crescent, an existing traffic-calmed street, forms a part of the southwestern connection. Cyclists can then connect to Clement Avenue via an existing walkway, providing a safe and convenient transition.
Pros of Route 3:
- School Connection: The route offers direct connectivity to a local school, promoting active transportation among younger residents and facilitating safer travel for students.
- Cost-Effective: Route 3 has the lowest capital cost among the proposed options, making it a cost-effective solution.
- Quick Downtown Access: This route provides the quickest access to downtown, maximizing efficiency for cyclists.
- Residential Setting: With low vehicle volumes and speeds, this route winds through a residential area, offering a pleasant environment with street trees and parks for cycling.
Cons of Route 3:
- Routing: This route may not be intuitive to those unfamiliar with the area, posing potential navigational challenges.
- Longer Travel Times: Compared to existing bike lanes, this route may require longer travel times, making it less appealing for some cyclists.
- Lighting Impacts: Additional street lighting could potentially disturb local residents.
- Parking Impact: The route option may impact on-street parking in the neighbourhood
The following evaluation scores provide an overview of how Route 3 performs across various categories:
A crucial element of the proposed cycling routes, regardless of the selected option, is the connection to the Glenmeadows Road Multi-Use Pathway (MUP). The Glenmeadows MUP serves as a key link in the cycling network north of the neighbourhood and improving its connectivity is an essential component of the proposed routes.
This connection plans to utilize the frontage road on the west side of Glenmore Drive as a Neighbourhood Bikeway. Spanning from High Road to Glenmeadows Road, this arrangement is proposed to move cyclists off Glenmore Drive and thereby enhancing safety and security for cyclists of all experience levels.
It's important to note, however, that if either Route 1 or Route 2 is selected as the preferred option, users will still need to cross the south and west leg of the High Road / Glenmore Drive intersection. This requirement arises from the specific alignment of these routes and how the connect safety across the busy intersection.
On the other hand, Route 3 will connect via the proposed High Road Multi-use Pathway that begins at Kennedy Street. This pathway provides a more direct connection to the Glenmeadows MUP, circumventing the need for cyclists to navigate the intersection at High Road and Glenmore Drive.
In all scenarios, the connection to the Glenmeadows Road MUP is designed with the cycling network's safety and efficiency in mind, reinforcing its vital role within the wider cycling infrastructure.
The insights and opinions you share with us are invaluable in helping shape the future of the Glenmore Active Transportation Corridor (ATC). We want to make sure we're designing a project that suits the needs and preferences of those who live, work, or travel within this community.
Your feedback will be used in a number of ways:
- Determining a Preferred Route: Your opinions on each of the proposed route options will play a significant role in helping us identify a preferred route. By taking into account factors such as travel time, efficiency, comfort, safety, environmental impact, and cost, your feedback will guide our decision-making process in determining the optimal route for the corridor.
- Conceptual Design: Once a preferred route is established, your feedback will influence the conceptual design process. We will use your insights to ensure the selected route adequately addresses your concerns and meets your needs. This could involve refining the design to enhance safety features, improve connectivity, or mitigate any potential environmental impacts, based on the feedback we receive.
- Ongoing Project Development: Even after the conceptual design phase, your feedback will continue to be important. It will help us understand how we can improve the project as it progresses and ensure it remains aligned with community needs and expectations.
- Future Initiatives: The responses we gather will not only influence this project, but also inform future transportation initiatives within the city. Understanding what you value most about your transportation network will help us plan and implement successful projects in the future.
Your participation in this feedback process is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to making the Glenmore Active Transportation Corridor the best it can be, together.
Active Transportation Corridors (ATCs) are safe and convenient routes for walking, biking, and other active modes. They include a variety of facility types, including protected bike lanes, multi-use pathways, and shared streets.
Uni-Directional Protected bike lanes are spaces for people biking which are physically separated from vehicles and pedestrians by vertical and horizontal elements.
Bi-Directional protected bike lanes are physically separated bike lanes that allow bicycle movement in both directions on one side of the road.
Survey - closed
Map - closed
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