Final plan to be presented to STPCO partners
13 November 2020
Starting Monday, Nov. 16, the final Regional Transportation Plan and its supporting plans, the final Regional Bicycling and Trails Master Plan and final Regional Disruptive Mobility Strategy, will be presented for endorsement to each member of the Sustainable Transportation Partnership of the Central Okanagan (STPCO). Before the first presentation to Kelowna Council on Monday, we're sharing a project update with a summary of previous public engagement results and next steps.
Phase 4 public engagement summary
This summer, we released the draft Regional Transportation Plan and its supporting plans for final comments. Due to COVID-19, engagement activities were hosted in a digital format. Appreciation is extended to everyone who took the time to participate and share their input.
What we heard: at a glance
The project team read each of the 1,200 open-ended comments and developed a list of themes based on their content. The themes that were mentioned most often are shown below, with font sizes corresponding to the number of times each theme was mentioned.
How we got here
The interests and values heard from people across the region helped inform the plan every step of the way.
Phase 1: Vision, goals & regional transportation network (2018)
In 2018, we gathered input from residents to affirm the plan’s vision and goals, which were refined based on what we heard.
Phase 2: Analysis of existing and future conditions. (2018)
This analysis was informed by the Okanagan Household Travel Survey. Conducted every five years, this survey includes thousands of participants and provides a comprehensive picture of how people travel around the region.
Phase 3: Transportation scenarios (2019)
In the spring of 2019, we launched Let's Talk Transportation. The regional conversation event and an online questionnaire sought to understand the values and interests of Central Okanagan residents and obtain input on potential transportation solutions.
Phase 4: Plan development (2020)
During this phase, we shared the draft plan and gathered final comments on key directions and recommendations.
Key refinements to the final plan include the addition of a preamble, a new section overviewing how the plan aligns with Provincial plans, incorporation of the 2018 Okanagan Household Travel Survey results, updates to the future of the STPCO, the addition of a performance monitoring approach, strengthened alignment with the BC Active Transportation Design Guide, as well as other refinements to incorporate stakeholder and public input.
Next steps
The project team extends their appreciation to the individuals and organizations that have been involved and shared feedback throughout this process. The final Regional Transportation Plan and its support plans will be presented to the STPCO partners for endorsement through November and December 2020 on the following dates:
City of Kelowna: Nov. 16
City of West Kelowna: Nov. 17
Regional District of Central Okanagan: Nov. 23
Westbank First Nation: Nov. 30
District of Lake Country: Dec. 1
District of Peachland: Dec. 8
All related documents can be found in the sidebar on this page.