Next steps can be found at the bottom of this page.

Ballou Park in North Glenmore was upgraded and expanded in 2023. Before the design is finalized, we heard how you currently use the park and how you'd like to use it in the future.

Proposed design

The design includes an adventure playground, an entry plaza, perimeter pathway and fencing, a trail connection to Knox Mountain Park, site grading, irrigation, and landscaping.

How to participate & share feedback - closed

Complete the online survey (link below) between June 16 and July 11, 2021.

Next steps

City staff and the design consultant reviewed all 272 survey responses and synthesized the data into themes from most commented on to least. The park construction is scheduled to begin Fall 2021 with anticipated completion in Summer 2022. Respondent feedback in addition to design best practices, amenities elsewhere in the neighbourhood and existing policy guidance for neighbourhood level parks will inform the final design of the park expansion.


CLOSED: Tell us how you use Ballou Park and what amenities are important to you

Consultation has concluded. Next step can be found at the bottom of the project page.

CLOSED: This survey has concluded.


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{{ question.username }} asked


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