Thank you for your interest in the new all-ages Activity Centre to be built at Glenmore Recreation Park.

Engagement activities to support the development of functional plans for this centre have now closed, thank you for your participation! Check back for a summary of What We Heard from the community along with the functional plan for the facility.

Stay up to date with the latest plans and progress through the Building a Stronger Kelowna quarterly e-update.

What would you use most in Glenmore's future Activity Centre? (Closed)

Your remaining points:
40 pts

Space to Connect

Fostering opportunities for social connection and meeting new people.

Space to Create

Art, pottery and other artistic mediums to explore your inner creativity

Space to Compete*

*Competition space = big space, high cost (10 points - all or nothing only)

Space to Move/Sweat

Fitness, dance and aerobics style classes.

Space to Perform

Express yourself with activities like dance and drama.

Space to Learn/Grow

Development at all ages including library services, childcare & workshops.

Space to Relax

Low impact activities such as board games, ping pong and cards

Space to Celebrate/Gather

Community and cultural events, gatherings, weddings, celebrations.

Space to Play

A focus on physical literacy, play space and recreation.

Space to Cook

Kitchen space to support events or training.