
News release: Share feedback on accessible parking recommendations

15 July 2021

Building on initial findings from public and stakeholder engagement, a series of proposed recommendations to improve the design and availability of accessible parking stalls is now ready for final review and comment. Accessible parking users and those who support them are invited to share feedback on the proposed changes by Aug. 8, through the project page on

“Following the City’s Downtown Area Parking Plan, last fall we conducted an online survey and stakeholder interviews to better understand the barriers that users experience with accessible parking,” said Andrew Rolston, Parking Operations Coordinator. “Now we’re reaching out to accessible parking users once more to review the draft recommendations before we finalize them later this year.”

The recommendations aim to address major themes from the initial phase of public and stakeholder engagement. Two common themes included the need for improved design – particularly for those with a mobility device such as a wheelchair – and availability of accessible parking stalls. Proposed changes to design standards would allow more people to use accessible parking and create a more comfortable experience, while changes to how parking is managed and enforced would improve availability for accessible parking permit holders.

Additional feedback received from the public, combined with available technical data, will inform final recommendations for the accessible parking program update. The updated program is expected to be presented to Council for consideration in fall 2021.

To review the recommendations and complete the quick poll, visit To learn more about accessible parking in Kelowna, visit