New! North End Plan endorsed by Council.

The North End Plan was endorsed by Council on March 17, 2025 associated Official Community Plan amendments will go to public hearing on April 8, 2025.

North End Neighbourhood Plan

Following a multi-year engagement process and detailed technical analysis, Council endorsed the North End Plan on March 17, 2025, marking a significant milestone in the shared journey to imagine the future of this special neighbourhood.Council also gave first reading to the associated Official Community Plan text and mapping updates. Read the Report to Council to learn more.

What's next

The Official Community Plan updates will proceed to a public hearing on April 8, 2025 where residents will have an opportunity to provide comment. Visit the Council webpage to learn more about how to participate in the public hearing process.

About the project

The North End is evolving – home to an eclectic mix of residential, recreational, industrial and commercial uses, and a popular craft-industrial district, it’s rich with amenities that draw visitors near and far. The North End Neighbourhood Plan will guide growth and redevelopment in the area over the next 20 years and beyond. The detailed strategy will include locations of parks and public spaces, growth and development standards, and transportation solutions among other considerations

How we got here

Over three years, the North End engagement page saw nearly 15,000 visits and 1,300 contributions.

  • In 2021, residents helped identify the North End’s strengths and opportunities through a mapping exercise that received nearly 500 contributions. In 2022, 635 residents shared priorities for the area via survey and around 100 people attended pop-up events. Area businesses also provided feedback via survey. Focused meetings were held with groups spanning local business, development, education, environmental, community and health and wellness. Some groups provided their feedback through a community discussion guide.
    • Together, the feedback from these two phases of engagement - along with technical analysis and guidance from the 2040 Official Community Plan and Imagine Kelowna vision - contributed to the Vision & Objectives for the North End Plan.
    • A "community needs" list for the North End was developed based on the Vision & Objectives for the Plan and endorsed by Council in Aug. 2022.
  • In 2023, Council and residents were invited to evaluate draft neighbourhood concepts. Nearly 550 residents attended community events to learn about draft concepts and share their feedback. Nearly 300 residents completed surveys and interviews with community partners were also conducted.
  • On October 21, 2024, staff presented the draft North End Plan which was endorsed by Council.


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Aaron Thibeault


Robert Miles

Long Range Planning Manager

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Project Archive

Past Updates

Concept Maps

The Key Features Maps offer a snapshot of each of the three draft concepts. For a deeper dive into the concepts, take a look at the land use, transportation and public space maps or the full document

Past surveys

North End Vision - Resident Survey

CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

North End Plan - Business Survey

CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

Expression of Interest - North End Neighbourhood Committee

CLOSED: the last day for submissions was Nov 22.

Amenity Exercise Feedback

Thank you for participating in the North End community needs exercise! Please complete this survey to tell us what you thought about this new learning opportunity.
Describe your relationship to the North End (select all that apply) Required
Did this exercise help you understand how higher levels of neighbourhood growth support higher levels of community amenities? Required
What changes did you make? Required
How long have you lived in Kelowna? Required
Was your neighbourhood growth score what you expected? Required
Did you revise any of your amenity selections in response to your initial neighbourhood growth score? Required
What type of home do you live in? Required
Which best describes your household composition? Required
Do you think this exercise will help you understand / evaluate the different growth scenarios (neighbourhood concepts) when you see them? Required
How old are you? Required
Was the tool easy to use? Required
Was the information easy to understand? Required
Did you have enough information to participate in a meaningful way? Required
Do you think this exercise will help you understand / evaluate the different growth scenarios (neighbourhood concepts) when you see them? Required

Participation Feedback

About you

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.


Discuss: your vision for the North End

Map tool

Learning Exercise

Learn about neighbourhood growth by selecting amenities

As neighbourhoods like the North End grow, more amenities are needed to serve the growing population. At the same time, there is a direct relationship between the amenities the City is able to afford and the amount of development that takes place - since new development helps pay for new amenities through taxation and development cost charges.

Try this exercise to learn how amenities and neighbourhood growth are related. Select the scale of various amenities you want to see in the North End and find out how much new growth is needed to deliver the amenities you chose. You might be surprised!

Get Started

Additional resources

If you want to keep exercise instructions and definitions open for reference, click here.

The community needs (amenity) list that this exercise is based on was endorsed by Council in August 2022.