
Public engagement update

4 November 2020

Several opportunities have been available for residents to get involved. Your input has helped guide the direction and prioritization of investments that will be made over the next 20 years to create a safe, cost-effective and sustainable transportation network.

Engagement topics

  1. TMP vision and goals (spring 2018)
  2. Transportation impacts related to proposed growth scenarios (summer 2018)
  3. Transportation challenges and solutions (fall 2019)
  4. Transportation investment priorities and budget allocation tool (fall 2019)
  5. Coming up: review and provide feedback the Draft TMP (upcoming 2020)

Results of latest engagement

Last November, we invited you to take part in a budget prioritization exercise to better understand the benefit and cost trade-offs associated with potential transportation investment options.

Key takeaways

  • Priorities rated as "important" by the most respondents included maintenance and renewal (64 per cent), transit (60 per cent) and biking (57 per cent).
  • Priorities rated as "not important" by the most respondents included education and incentive programs (28 per cent) and the Clement/Hwy 33 Extension (24 per cent).
  • A majority of respondents (75 per cent) chose to increase the transportation budget, and 64 per cent indicated they would be willing to pay more in taxes to improve transportation services.

Read the full engagement summary