
Pick your path to 2040

4 November 2020

As Kelowna grows, where new homes will be built and how we will all get around will largely be shaped by the decisions we make today. Residents are invited to participate in an interactive exhibit starting June 2 to experience which scenario for Kelowna 2040 reflects the tradeoffs they choose.

“By using a unique format in which Kelowna residents can see how their decisions affect which scenario for Kelowna they arrive at, we hope to give a sample of how future growth might affect neighbourhoods, development and infrastructure decisions made today,” said Danielle Noble-Brandt, Policy and Planning Department Manager. “The exhibit and survey are components of the public engagement for the Official Community Plan update and Transportation Master Plan process, and this interactive exhibit will demonstrate to residents how these long-term plans impact their lives today.”

Residents can participate in the exhibit at the following locations:

June 2
Stuart Park, 1430 Water Street
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

June 4 & 5
Okanagan College Centre for Learning, Campus West Road
3 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

June 6 & 7
Rutland Centennial Hall, 180 Rutland Road North
3 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Residents unable to attend the exhibit can shape Our Kelowna as we Grow by participating online from June 1 to June 30 at

“By 2040, Kelowna will be home to 50,000 more people. The four growth options are based on the public input gathered throughout the unprecedented engagement for the community’s strategic vision known as Imagine Kelowna,” said Noble-Brandt. “This is the ideal time for residents to be informed, get involved and imagine their influence on Our Kelowna.”

Based on public input, analysis and research, a preferred growth scenario will be selected for Council’s consideration this fall. The scenario will provide context for the corresponding policy directions recommended in the 2040 Official Community Plan and the Transportation Master Plan.

For more information and resources, visit