
Council sets direction for 20 years of transportation investments

3 September 2020

On Aug. 10, Council directed staff to continue development of the draft 2040 Transportation Master Plan ("TMP") based on 'Scenario 2,' a proposed package of projects, programs and policies designed to improve transportation in Kelowna over the next 20 years, coordinate transportation investments with land use planning, and help our economic recovery post-COVID-19.

Staff presented Council with three transportation scenarios that described what can be achieved at different price points in terms of the extent and connectivity of the transportation network in 2040, greenhouse gas emissions, and optimization of travel times, among other goals.

Scenario 2 funds improvements in all modes of transportation, with a focus on providing faster and more reliable transit service, improving biking and walking, safety improvements for all modes, and maintenance and renewal.

A draft TMP is expected to be available for public review and input later this year.

Read the Council Report to learn more