
Council reviews proposed 20-year roadway projects

18 January 2021

On Monday, Jan. 18, Council reviewed the road projects proposed as part of the draft 2040 Transportation Master Plan (TMP). A summary of this report is included as part of this email update.

As Kelowna grows, we need to find ways to ease the impact of traffic congestion and reduce emissions. One way to do this is to create a city with vibrant urban centres and diverse transportation options for people to get around. This will help Kelowna be a more sustainable, safe, equitable and healthy city. This financially responsible approach also recognizes the high cost of road construction, limited space for new roads, and the challenges in maintaining the infrastructure we have today.

For this reason, roadway projects proposed for Kelowna over the next 20 years have been carefully selected to improve safety and traffic flow without necessarily encouraging more vehicle travel.

View the full Council Report

Proposed budget breakdown

Informed by public input, a roughly 20 per cent increase in the average annual transportation budget is proposed to improve transportation over the next 20 years. In addition to major investments in walking, biking, transit, and other options, funding for roadways and multimodal corridors would increase from an average of $12 million to $18 million annually.

How roadway projects are funded

(property & federal gas tax)

Cost Charges

Senior government funding

Roadway projects are funded through a combination of taxation, development cost charges (DCCs), and senior government funding (for projects that have a regional benefit). DCCs are fees that municipalities collect from new development to help pay the cost of infrastructure services that are needed for growth.

Considering the impacts of COVID-19, the draft TMP will propose deferring near-term tax increases by ramping up transportation investments slowly over the 20-year plan horizon.

Public engagement update

Several opportunities have been available for residents to get involved. Your input has helped guide the direction of the plan and the prioritization of investments over the next 20 years to create a safe, cost-effective and sustainable transportation network.

Engagement topics

  1. TMP vision and goals (spring 2018)
  2. Transportation impacts related to proposed growth scenarios (summer 2018)
  3. Transportation challenges and solutions (fall 2019)
  4. Transportation investment priorities and budget allocation tool (fall 2019)
  5. Upcoming: an opportunity to review and provide feedback on the draft TMP (2021)

View past engagement summaries in the 'Document library' section of this page.

Next steps

The Transportation Master Plan is being coordinated with the development of the draft 2040 Official Community Plan and 20-Year Servicing Plan. A draft of the plan is in development, and we anticipate sharing it with you for final input in spring 2021.

The Transportation Master Plan is a long-range plan that will identify the transportation investments needed in Kelowna over the next 20 years. For more information about the plan, visit