
News release: Our Kelowna as We Grow and as We Move: Kelowna 2040 expos

4 November 2020

Planning is underway to guide how and where we grow in the next 20 years, and now is the time to get involved to help shape the future of our city.

How our city grows is defined by several guiding documents, including the Official Community Plan (OCP), Transportation Master Plan (TMP) and 20-year Servicing Plan. Based on the 2040 growth scenario endorsed by Council last spring, a draft Future Land Use map has been developed to form one part of the overall growth strategy that will guide decisions on rezoning applications, investments in amenities and transportation, and prioritize utility and servicing improvements.

The Expo will feature displays and hands-on, family-friendly activities to help participants explore a range of topics, such as transportation, parks, infill housing and future land use. Participants will receive a ‘passport to 2040’ and be entered in a draw to win one of five gift certificates from a local business in each of Kelowna’s five urban centres.

“We are continuing to use unique engagement formats and participatory feedback options to encourage as much input from our residents as possible,” said Danielle Noble-Brandt, Policy and Planning Department Manager. “The OCP and TMP are framework plans that will guide our future land use and transportation investments to create a future city that is healthy, livable and sustainable.”

Learn more at and check out our video for more information.

Residents can participate in the Expo at the following locations:

Thursday, September 19
Kelowna Community Theatre
1375 Water Street
3:30pm – 6:30pm

Saturday, September 21
Rutland Boys and Girls Club
355 Hartman Road
11:30am – 3pm

Wednesday, September 25
Capital News Centre
4105 Gordon Drive
3:30pm – 6:30pm

Saturday, September 28
Orchard Park Mall
2271 Harvey Avenue
9:30am – 6pm

Residents unable to attend the Expo in person can give feedback online from September 16 to October 4 at