Get there safely.

The City of Kelowna is working to identify actions to reduce transportation-related fatalities and injuries in Kelowna’s transportation system and community feedback is an important part of this process.

About the Project

Kelowna’s Safe Mobility Action Plan is being developed in alignment with the following:

The Safe Mobility Action Plan seeks to prevent and eliminate collisions leading to serious injuries and fatalities on Kelowna's roads, sidewalks, and pathways. It focuses on making Kelowna safer and more livable for everyone, with practical solutions for now and in the future.

The Plan will recognize that humans make mistakes, and that the transportation system should be designed to forgive errors and prevent them from resulting in more severe consequences, such as someone being killed or seriously injured. This aligns with Vision Zero and the Safe System Approach. More information can be found in the dropdown below and here.

The infographic below gives a quick overview of what Vision Zero is and what is involved in the Safe Systems Approach.

Vision Zero is the belief that no one should be killed or seriously injured in our transportation system. The Safe Systems Approach is an integrated approach that considers the following elements when seeking to improve road safety: safe speeds, safe users, safe vehicles, safe road design, post-crash care, and safe land use planning

Kelowna’s Safe Mobility Action Plan will:

  • Develop a vision, guiding principles, and targets for safe mobility in Kelowna
  • Collect and analyze data to understand local collision trends and concerns
  • Develop key focus areas and actions aimed at reducing fatalities and serious injuries, informed by data and community input
  • Empower the City, interested parties, and the public towards a positive change in safety culture

Some high-level collisions analysis is provided below.

Draft Vision Statement

Through workshops with City of Kelowna staff and key partners in Spring 2024, a draft Vision Statement was developed. A Vision Statement is a clear statement of what we aspire to achieve and our ultimate goal for safe mobility in Kelowna. The draft Vision Statement will be further refined through this round of community engagement.

"Kelowna is a community that values healthy and safe mobility for all, regardless of how we get around. In alignment with Vision Zero, we work together to prevent deaths and serious injuries in our transportation system - so that everyone can get there safely."

Eight Guiding Principles

Guiding Principles indicate the values and types of approaches or considerations that are important for the project and will be considered through its development. The following eight guiding principles have been informed through workshops with City of Kelowna staff and key partners.


Safe Streets Map