
Results are in! Find out what Kelowna said about the draft 2040 Official Community Plan

4 June 2021

Following a widespread, multi-year engagement process, the results of the fourth phase of public engagement on the City's draft 2040 Official Community Plan (OCP) were presented to Council on May 31.

The draft 2040 OCP was shared with the public for feedback in early 2021. Building on earlier phases of engagement, Phase 4 took place over the course of several months and was aimed at reviewing the Plan's key directions.

Next steps in the OCP process will focus on Plan refinements and the revised draft will presented to Council for their consideration later this year. Council will then decide to initiate the bylaw reading process, public hearing, and final approval.

The OCP is updated every 10 years to reflect the goals laid out in our community vision and includes revised land uses, mapping and policies that show where development, and corresponding infrastructure and amenities, will be supported over the next two decades.

Read the full engagement summary report or watch the presentation to Council here.