Please note: This engagement is now closed.

The Knox Mountain Management Plan update was endorsed by Council on Monday, June 20, 2022 and will guide capital investment priorities and operational strategies planned through the next ten years. As part of the update, residents were invited to weigh in through poll questions and a discussion forum, and it was inclusive of an updated analysis on the ecological needs of the park, and other information such as fire mitigation and overall maintenance throughout the next decade. Please read the engagement summary to find out what we heard.

As part of the process of updating the 10-year strategy, a survey about citizens’ experience accessing and using Knox Mountain Drive was completed in 2021. Based on the results, a multi-modal strategy has been implemented for a two-year pilot period. Review the engagement summary to see the results and key findings from the survey from more than 8,000 respondents.

It was important to align the changes with the vision and strategic goals for Knox Mountain Park in the update. Improvements will be primarily focused on the first lookout, such as the addition of a permanent washroom, parking layout, and mobility improvements. Parking and staging area improvements are also being prioritized for Knox Mountain East.

The vision and strategic goals for the Knox Mountain Park Management Plan were developed in 2011 based on public involvement, consultation with City of Kelowna representatives, and research on best practices for the management of natural area parks. The vision conveys the direction for the park, guides the nature of decisions affecting it, motivates those responsible for implementation, and shapes the public’s understanding of why they should work to achieve the strategic goals.


Knox Mountain Park reveals the wonder and diversity of the Okanagan landscape. It is a symbol of Kelowna, a place of unique and remarkable natural beauty within our city’s park system, a place where nature is able to flourish and evolve. Residents and visitors participate in the life of the park, establishing healthy and sustainable relationships between themselves and the natural environment.

Strategic Goals

The strategic goals are organized into three categories:

  • A Place for Nature
  • A Place for People
  • A Place for Stewardship

What’s changed?

While much of the existing 2011 plan continues to be relevant for the future, the revised version:

  • Includes an updated analysis on the ecological needs of the park
  • Prioritizes capital improvements
  • Guides maintenance, enhancement, and protection activities in the park

Poll Questions

Quick Poll

Do you think the vision and strategic goals guiding the management of Knox Mountain Park still hold true in 2022 as they did in 2011?Select answer, click Submit, scroll down, click Next to advance. - draft

This poll has concluded.

Total Votes: 1391

Discussion Forum

Do the investment areas advance the vision and strategic goals of the Knox Mountain Park Management Plan?

We'd love to hear your thoughts!


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Project Updates


Tell us how you want to see Knox Mountain Drive used in the future!

CLOSED: This survey has concluded.