Consultation has concluded

Streetscape elements like benches, trash receptacles, bicycle racks and traffic bollards support increased pedestrian activity, provide added comfort and promote safety.

The City of Kelowna coordinated streetscape elements in four downtown districts: the cultural district, the residential district, the business district, and the historic and entertainment district (see map on the right.)

We collected your feedback, along with other considerations such as operational requirements and life-cycle costs, to finalize three groups of complementary elements called suites.

The suites were installed as older street furniture needed replacing.

If you walk around these areas you can see how the various streetscape elements work together to promote use, comfort and a district's identity.

Coordinating the streetscape elements in the other downtown distircts helped to avoid a hodgepodge of different styles and colours and make them more inviting places to be.


CLOSED - this survey has concluded.


Consultation has concluded