City Park is one of Kelowna's most prominent and well used parks. Both visitors and residents enjoy the many amenities including sandy beaches, lush green space, playground and spray park. Check out the future designs for the park in the photo gallery below!

Plans to improve the park began in 2008 and the first phase of work happened in 2010 with the construction of new washrooms and a multi-use pathway between the Hot Sands washroom and the bridge.

Phase 2 improvements will begin in 2022 subject to Provincial permit approvals. During Phase 2 the path between the Hot Sands washroom and Cold Sands washroom will get surface improvements; it will be re-aligned, widened and made more accessible. The shoreline along Hot Sands beach and the point will be stabilized with logs to lessen future erosion.

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Subject to required permits and approvals, construction will begin Winter 2022.

Public Engagement to-date

The City of Kelowna undertook a planning exercise for City Park in 2013 to help guide infrastructure decisions, and make recommendations for improvements in both the immediate future and over the next decade. The "My City Park" public engagement included a concept plan that was shared with the public for input along with information related to the infrastructure upgrades required to the park over the next 10 years.

In addition, a photo-share feature was used to create awareness and inspire the urban design team with elements the public identified as making a great park.

Key Park Improvements Identified by the Public

The City's designs and the phasing of improvements over time reflect key features identified by the public through the "My City Park" public engagement process

Explore Future Designs

Future Active Transportation Designs

<p>for different park users is important and so is finding ways to better separate pedestrians from other forms of active transportation like cyclists and scooters. Future phases of the park will focus on connectivity and active transportation, including a separated pathway for non-pedestrian traffic during the peak season. Outside of the busy summer months, non-pedestrian traffic will be able to use both routes. Tell us what you think by commenting below.

Pier and Gathering Circle

The City has applied for a provincial Community Culture and Recreation Grant to fund construction of a gathering circle, pier and shore stabilization on Cold Sands beach. However, we were unsuccessful in receiving the grant. 

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