As part of the Central Okanagan Transit Future Action Plan, BC Transit, in collaboration with the local partners, hosted several public engagement events in 2017 to discuss the role of public transit in the Central Okanagan and how the decision-making process works. For full details and updates about this engagement, visit the Transit Future in Kelowna page on BC Transit's website.

The first of these events was in March and presented some of the proposed transit service changes in the region to the public for their feedback and comment, as well as an online survey.

Your input is important to us as we work with BC Transit to make our regional transit system better!

Transit Standards are a tool to help guide decision making for the Kelowna Regional Transit System. BC Transit and the local governments in the Kelowna region are surveying residents to better understand attitudes towards priorities for transit service in the community.

Provide Feedback

Moving people efficiently - Draft

A well-designed transit system moves people efficiently with routes that are more direct and have fewer stops. This means buses are faster and more frequent. While the initial walk to the bus stop may be longer, the result is quicker service for everyone.

With this in mind, which of the two statements do you agree with more and why?

1. I prefer to have a bus stop closer to my door, even if it means the bus comes less often and takes longer to get to my destination.

2. I prefer to walk a bit farther to the bus stop if that means the bus comes more often and gets me to my destination more quickly.

Consultation has concluded.

Providing transit equity to residents - Draft

A well-planned transit system improves equity by providing a critical service to residents without access to other means of transportation.

Many people who rely on transit live in the Transit Core Area. For example, 82% of senior homes and 80% of renter households are located within the Transit Core Area.

With this in mind, which of the two statements do you agree with more, and why?

1. Transit service should provide a convenient way for the majority of people who don't have access to other means to get around independently.

2. A basic level of transit service should be provided to as many neighbourhoods as possible, at the expense of Core service.

Consultation has concluded

Connecting communities - Draft

A well-structured transit system connects communities by responding to high demand on existing routes when buses are full or leaving people behind by adding more service. Or, service can be proactively provided to areas where demand is expected to grow in the future.

This investment may not pay off right away, but can help gradually build ridership over time as the community grows.

With this in mind, which of the two statements do you agree with more, and why?

1. Service should be added to the routes where demand is highest and buses are often full today.

2. Service should be proactively added to shape neighbourhoods around transit and grow ridership over time.

Consultation has concluded.

Weighing your priorities for transit - Draft

The three transit objectives (moving people efficiently, improving equity and connecting communities) are all important, but at times may conflict with one another. With 10 points in total to assign between the three objectives, how would you weight their importance?

1. Moving people more efficiently, try to increase transit use and reduce emissions as much as possible.

2. Enabling access for all, serve people who depend on transit to meet their daily needs.

3. Connecting urban centres, be proactive in shaping neighbourhoods around transit as the region grows.

Consultation has concluded.

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Consultation has concluded.

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Tell your story

Share your heart-warming stories about transit to celebrate Kelowna Regional Transit's 40th Anniversary.

Consultation has concluded.